Another 5-Star Review for The War on Sarah Morris!

(Posted by Douglas Cole on on April 12, 2024)

5 Stars

Nightmares in publishing!

Fans of stories about the behind-the-scenes of publishing (I’m thinking of some recent delights such as My Salinger Yearby Joanna Rakoff, or the classic The Devil Wears Prada) will want to go out and buy this book immediately! Told with humor, tenderness and insight, The War on Sarah Morris takes inside the world of publishing in Toronto. Like the earlier-mentioned predecessors, Kathleen Jones’ book is not without its gritty, sometimes cringy moments of work at the bottom! Low pay, little respect, capricious decisions from managers…it’s a true story of life in the publishing trenches as business models evolve or even devolve! The beauty is in the writing and the character of Sarah Morris who deals with adversity with intelligence and pluck! As the title indicates, it’s a war! But it’s not without its surprises, and Jones takes us through the journey offering examples of how to survive and thrive in the most brutal artistic business of all.

Author: kath1960

A lover of words who writes from the heart. Welcome to my site! I’m a refugee from the corporate world, a lover of books, dogs, and 1940’s/1950’s vintage clothing (not necessarily in that order!), a wife and a mom . . . and, oh yeah, a novelist! My first novel, a lighthearted romance set in the world of stand-up comedy, was published by Moonshine Cove in April 2018. My second novel, the story of a middle-aged woman's struggle to survive in the corporate world, will be published by Legacy Book Press in May 2024.

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